Sunday, April 18, 2010

G.I. Joe the movie

I just saw this movie and I’m not really sure how i feel about this movie. There was so much corny crap throughout, but I guess since I expected it to be so bad and since I loved the cartoon as a kid, I’m being pretty easy on this movie. Dennis Quaid was the corniest of the corny as Hawk. The special effects were also suprisingly terrible and looked like they would have been outdated about 5 years ago. Luckily, Snake eyes was as cool as he should be, and almost single handedly saved the movie. Also, the chase scene in Paris was pretty impressive, but I wonder if anyone saw Team America, because that’s all I could think about as this section was happening. The G.I. Joe’s wreck a good chunk of Paris, and the Eifel tower gets knocked down. I was expecting The Joes to say “No need to thank us” and just take off. All in all, a dumb, fun action movie, that i wouldn’t pay to see again, but it kept me entertained for 2 hours. Finally, I think the animated movie when I was kid was more hardcore than this. Hopefully, the sequel will be better


is it weird that I actually like being sunburned? I don’t mean like so sunburned that I have to put aloe on or that it hurts to be touched, but just enough so that hopefully I get a tan Also, it’s only the middle of April but I already feel like I’m in the middle of summer.

I went ghost hunting with my friends last night and it was kind of a bust. Oh well. It was still a fun night to end a great week.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Laptop!

Getting a new laptop sometime this week. Had my current laptop for over 2 years so it’s very exciting to be getting a new one. I found a Dell I liked at Best buy, but they won’t have any in until Tuesday. It’s cool because it gives me time to look around online for a better deal. I also have my eye on a great deal on a Toshiba laptop on this website called

Detroit is a crazy city...

..according to the dream I had last night. This was a weird dream, and it really makes no sense. Ok, well me and my sister jenny were at the house and we said “hey let’s take a road trip!” Then we decided to call up my friend Chris Chadwick because we wanted him to drive us. Then for some reason we decided to go to Detroit, one of the most dangerous cities in America. So we take our road trip and we make it there in 6 hours somehow, which i know is impossible. Then we’re walking around the city at night and then the dream just kind of jumped ahead, and suddenly me and jenny were running and we were flipping out because Chris got killed somehow! So we are lost in Detroit in the middle of the night and I just remember I was saying “We just have to avoid East Detroit, because that’s the most dangerous part!” Eventually, we ran into a guy who I can only describe as looking like the dad from Clarissa explains it all. This guy says “hey it’s me, Mr. porter from Indian River high school. I’m a teacher, I know you guys” Me and jenny don’t recognize him and tell him we’ve never seen him before. He says “oh you might not remember me because I taught plastics!” I have no idea what that means. So then he and his wife offer to help us find our way out of detroit, so we end up literally skipping away with them and the dream ends like the Wizard of OZ or something, because i think we were going to see the wizard of detroit or something. It was bizarre.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

What a relief.....

It looks like my Grandma is going to be ok. She had what appears to be a minor stroke and she’s doing alot better than yesterday. She is talking, sitting up, and eating and drinking. It was a terrifying day when she was non-responsive and we didn’t know what was going to happen. Oh and just like always she was complaining about hospital food and just wanted to get home. She’s a character.

Oh and I picked my uncle terry up from the airport today and he is the weirdest guy ever. For some reason, he keeps calling Jenny “Little Bit” and I’m “Matty Ice”. hahahahaha. you know what? I actually kind of like that nickname. Also, he keeps complaining we don’t have a Wii and wants to go buy one.

Brand New "The Devil and God are raging inside me"

In 2006, New York based alternative rock band Brand New released their magnum opus album "The Devil and God are raging inside me" Rarely, does something come along in your life when you need it. This album came along when I really needed it to. I was growing up and going through adult challenges I'd never faced before. It hit an emotional nerve with me. I've never heard an album filled with such raw emotion and pain as this one. It's filled with songs about losing your friends, losing loved ones, and just how hard it is to truly become an adult. It can be hard to listen to, but it's honest to it's core.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What a week

Oh man I really had a nice relaxing week. First, I found out I don’t need to take a couple classes for my teaching degree that I thought I was going to need. Second, I don’t owe any taxes, which is great because last year I had to pay 800 bucks (and I don’t even really know why). Oh and this next week I’m only going to eat out one time and I am going to go the gym everyday. oh and I’m actually really excited about both those things, saving money and getting in shape. Got to look my best for summer. Oh and I love those nights that end up being fun, when all you think you’re going to do is end up being bored and sitting at home, which was how last night was when me and kristen ended up going to sonic and then wal-mart (which was unbelievably crowded). Good times.